

Lis 23

8. třída – Klíč ke skupinové práci ze středy 23.11.2011

Key :   1. Put the adverb of frequency to the correct place.

1) He listens to the radio. (often)
He often listens to the radio.
2) They read a book. (sometimes)
They sometimes read a book.
3) Pete gets angry. (never)
Pete never gets angry.
4) Tom is very friendly. (usually)
Tom is usually friendly.
5) I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
I sometimes také sugar in my coffee.
6) Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often)
Ramon and Frank are often humry.
7) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)
My grandmother always ges for a walk in the evening.
8) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)
Walter usually helps his father in the kitchen.
9) They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)They never watt TV in the afternoon.
10) Christine smokes. (never)Christine never smoke. 



Tzv. frekvenční příslovce říkají, jak často se něco děje. Ptáme se na ně otázkou How often….?

How often do you go to the cinema?

1. Tato příslovce stojí obvykle PŘED významovým slovesem.

I usually watch TV in the evenings.

2. Je-li ve větě ještě pomocné sloveso (např. do, don´t, can, have…), stojí toto příslovce MEZI ním a významovým slovesem.

I don´t often go to the cinema.

What do you usually watch on TV?

He has always got a lot of money.

I can normally stay up late on Saturdays.

3. Frekvenční příslovce obvykle stojí ZA slovesem be.

It is always good fun.

2. Decide on an adverb o ran adjective.

1. The movie had a ending. (comic)

The movie had a comic ending. Přídavné jméno rozvíjí podstatné jméno.


2. She will get home

. (short) I hope she will drive . (careful)

She will get home shortly I hope she will drive carefully.

Příslovce rozvíjí sloveso.


3. She described the accident

. (dramatic)

She described the accident dramatically.


4. We

studied for the test. (hard)

We studied for the test hard.


5. Do you think you could drive more

? (slow)

Do you think you could drive more slowly?


6. I thought Gil did

in his test. (good). He studied really . (hard)

I thought Gil did well in his test. He studied really hard.


7. The quiz is . (easy)

The quiz is easy. Přídavné jméno rozvíjí podstatné jméno.


8. The plane flew

to London. (direct)

The plane flew directly to London.


9. David ran

in the competition. (fast)

Davin ran fast in the competition.


10. I ate the sandwich

. (hungry)

I ate the sandwich hungrily.


3.Write the opposites.

This lesson isn’t easy. It’s difficult.

This dress is cheap. It isn´t expensive.

That man is old . He isn’t young.

Your sister is quiet. She isn’t noisy.

This paper is thick. It isn’t thin.

My glass is empty. Your glass is full.

He’s always happy. He’s never unhappy.

That table is high. It isn’t low.

The clothes are wet. They aren’t dry.

He’s strong. He isn’t weak.


4. Translate the sentences with have to.


1. Musím vstávat brzy.

I have to get up early.

2. Ona musí pracovat v noci.

She has to work at night.

3. Nemusíte chodit do školy v sobotu.

You don´t have to go to school on Saturdays.

4. Musíme nosit uniformu?

Do we have to wear a uniform?

5. On nemusí hodně cestovat.

He doesn´t have to travel a lot.

6. Musí on pracovat venku?

Does he have to work outside?

5. Make the suggestions and give possible answers.


–         Let´s go to the cinema       

–         Why don´t we go shopping

–         Shall we play tennis

–         go bowling

–         sing a song



–         Kde se potkáme?        Where shall we meet?

–         Kdy odejdeme?          When shall we leave?

–         Co budeme dělat?      What shall we do?


Příklad rozhovoru:

• Let´s go to the cinema this afternoon.

•OK. Where shall we meet?

• Why don´t we meet at the bus stop.

• Good idea. What time?

•How about quarter past free?

• OK. I´ll see you at the bus stop at quarter past free.