

Bře 12

Sedmáci – Klíč pro opakování ze 12.3.2013

Milí sedmáci, posílám slíbené řešení opakování z úterní hodiny.

Nezapomeňte si na příští, čtvrteční hodinu projít celý unit 8  Likes and dislikes, slovíčka,

přítomný čas prostý – present simple (kdy přidáváme ke slovesu – s a kdy se sloveso nemění,

Do/Does do otázky, don´t/doesn´t do záporné věty.

Good luck.

Večeřová Úspěch

Exercise 1 (page 88)

1 read

2 don´t like

3 live

4 listen

5 hates

6 don´t wear

7 doesn´t eat

8 teaches

Exercise 2 (page 88)

1 gets up

2 goes

3 has

4 wears

5 plays

6 does

7 writes

8 watches

Exercise 3 + 4 (page 88)

Do you go to school in the morning? Yes, I do. / No, I don´t.

Do you have brakfast in the morning? Yes, I do. / No, I don´t.

Do you play the piano in the afternoon? Yes, I do. / No, I don´t.

Does Alex have lunch in the morning? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn´t.

Does Alex go to bed in the afternoon? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn´t.

Does Alex play the piano in the morning? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn´t.

Exercise 5 (page 89)

A Jenny

B Anna

C Luke

D Lisa

Exercise 6 (page 89)

1 skirt or shirt

2 dress

3 shirt or skirt

4 jeans

5 jacket

6 jumper

7 track suit

8 trousers

Exercise 7 (page 89)

1 get up

2 have breakfast

3 go to school

4 have lunch

5 go home

6 have dinner

7 go to bed

8 go to sleep

Exercise 8 (page 89)

1 Geography

2 Maths

3 Art

4 Science

5 Sport

6 English

Exercise 9 (page 89)

A  What have we got at ten o´clock?

B English.

A  Good. I love English.

B And at eleven o´clock, we´ve got Maths. (Tady může být jakýkoliv předmět).

A Oh no. I hate Maths.