

Kvě 02

8. ročník – Klíč k aktivitě ze středy 2.5.2012

Stanoviště 3 – questions

Yes/No questions                                                                                                          Wh- questions

1. Does Sandy often bring her mascots to school?                                                 What does Sandy often bring to school?

2. Has David got two qounger sisters?                                                                      How many younger sisters has David got?

3. Does the London train leave at 7.15?                                                                    When (What time) does the London train leave?

4. Do my friend´s parents work in a shop?                                                               Where do my friend´s parents work?

5. Is Kate worried because her dog is sick?                                                            Why is Kate worried?

6. Have I got my mum´s hat?                                                                                       Whose hat have I got?


Stanoviště 4 – Present continuous

1. On Tuesday they are crossing the English Channel by ferry and visiting Dover.

2. On Wednesday they are having a tour around London.

3. On Thursday they are going to Stratford on Avon and visiting William Shakespeare´s birthplace.

4. On Friday they are meeting students from Warwick Comprehensive school and visiting Warwick Castle.

5. On Saturday they are watching the sunrise at Stonehenge and making plans for a project about England.

6. On Sunday they are leaving England at 8 o´clock in the morning.    


Stanoviště 5 – Both present tenses

Emma: Hi everybody. I am (1)Emma C and I am (2)here with talented boy band 4-Real. Are (3)you OK, boys?

Danny: We are (4)fine!

Emma: So, where are (5)you from?

Gary: I´m(6) from Scotland and Danny is (7)from London. But Colin and Freddy are (8)from the USA.

Emma: So where do (9)you live?

Colin: We usually live(10) in London, but at the moment we are living(11) in a hotel in New York because we are making (12)a TV show there.

Emma: Do you like(13) New York?

Freddy: Yes, it is (14)cool. But Danny talks (15)to his mum every day! Look, he is talking (16)to her now!

Danny: No, I´m not. I´m talking (17)to my girlfriend. Freddy and Gary haven´t got girlfriends!

Emma: Why not?

Freddy: I haven´t got time because I write (18)books. I´m writing a book(19) now. It´s called Freddy by Freddy Flash!

Emma: OK. Gary, what are you wearing(20)?

Gary: I´m wearing(21) a lot of expensive earrings, watches and necklaces. I collect(22) expensive gold things and I wear (23)them every day.

Emma: Right. Now, Colin…. what do you like(24)? Colin? COLIN?

Gary: He´s listening (25)to music.

Colin: Are you shouting (26)at me? Sorry. I love listening to music.

Emma: What music do you like(27)?

Coilin: I like(28) Mozart, but I am listening (29)to Beethoven at the moment.


Stanoviště 6 – blízká budoucnost (vazba going to)

1. On Tuesday he isn´t going to see his grandma. He´s going to visit an old car exhibition.

2. On Wednesday he isn´t going to borrow a video. He´s going to invite Mike and Mark to the cinema.

3. On Thursday he isn´t going to play football. He´s going to visit the leisure centre.

4. On Friday he isn´t going to play computer games. He´s going to go skating with dad.

5. On Saturday he isn´t going to meet with friends. He´s going to do shopping with mum.

6. On Sunday he isn´t going to stay at home. He´s going to pack and be off for Purtugal.


Na test: přítomný čas prostý, přítomný čas průběhový, vazba going to, vazba like + …ing, slovní zásoba z celého unitu 2